New Learning Disability England manifesto launched

New Learning Disability England manifesto launched

Released On 15th May 2024

Learning Disability England has launched a new publication, The Good Lives Manifesto 2024. The manifesto has been coproduced by over 400 members and built from various campaigns and actions. Learning Disability England states that the manifesto has brought people and organisations together on what they think are the most important priorities for the next government to take action on.

The Good Lives Manifesto has six key requests based on the Good Lives Framework and the members’ current priorities.

These are:

Be a champion for the rights of all people with learning disabilities, including people from minority ethnic communities and with high support needs.

Reform social care so it meets the rights of people with learning disabilities and their families and provides fair pay for social care workers.

Have effective, reasonably adjusted health services that contribute to better health and raising life expectancy for people with learning disabilities.

Help people with learning disabilities get the jobs they want supported by a system that recognises contributions not forcing poverty.

Make sure people with learning disabilities have the same access to housing options as their nondisabled peers.

Make this an accessible general election.

Commenting on the launch of Learning Disability England’s new manifesto, Scott Watkin BEM, Co-Chair of Learning Disability England’s Representative Body, said, ‘With 1.5 million people with learning disabilities in the UK, we must be listened to.’ Learning Disability England has argued that with a general election due to be called this year, it is more important than ever that the voices of people with learning disabilities are heard within politics and policy.

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