Sponsorship & Patronage Opportunities


As one of the leading networking & business support groups in the Yeovil area, it is important that Chamber continues to deliver outstanding value, through well-attended, high-quality, topical and informative networking events; all of which create opportunities to broadcast your name and brand to other businesses. As well as promoting your business, sponsorship allows Yeovil Chamber to continually improve the quality and delivery of support and services.  The Chamber sphere of influence extends among 100+ businesses of all sizes and sectors, and outwards to include key regional stakeholders and government figures - unrivalled coverage, insight and influence within a single Yeovil-based organisation.

Sponsorship is carefully organised to ensure maximum value; raising your profile and winning more business contacts.

Industry Briefings

Averages 30-40 attendees* £250 Members (£300 non-members)

Business Leaders Breakfast High-quality venue (usually offered by a Chamber member). Informative and insightful. Hear the state of play directly from strategic stakeholders in the local and regional business community. Guest speakers are regionally/nationally recognised personalities, usually based in Yeovil, talking for 25 minutes on their role, and how it directly benefits the Yeovil business community. With Q&A session.

Industry & Knowledge Briefings & Workshops from member (& non-member) businesses with specialisms such as financial, legal & cyber.  Due to the wide range of sectors and business sizes, these events cover a wide range of topics, keeping members informed and up-to-date with business-related topics, as well as offering networking opportunities.


Seasonal Events

Averages 40-50 attendees* £400 Members (£500 non-members)

  • AGM (February): Evening event at a high-quality venue, with guest speaker. Annual report to members.
  • Summer Lunch (July): Well-attended, informal networking lunch at a high-quality location (alfresco where possible).
  • Christmas Social (early December): Informal end-of-year get-together, at a high-quality venue.  Food, drink & networking.

High-Profile Keynote/Summit Events

Averages 50-60 attendees* £500 members (£600 non-members)

One-off events, promoting a regional initiative and/or for the benefit of the whole business community.


*Based on average attendance over the previous twelve months, not guaranteed. It is in our mutual interest that events are well-attended. The time of day of the event will be at the discretion of Yeovil Chamber, unless you express a preference.

Benefits of Sponsorship

  • Your profile and weblink included with the event details on the Yeovil Chamber website;
  • Social media interaction and promotion via Facebook and Twitter, with web links;
  • Photographs taken at the event for your own PR purposes;
  • Your branding and web-link on any pre-and post-event communications;
  • Two places at the event, free of charge;
  • Display your banners, products and distribute corporate literature to delegates at the event;
  • PLUS...The option to make a short speech to open the event.

Please Note

  • If your business incorporates a particular interest or specialism, we would be happy to discuss this as a separate sponsor-hosted event.
  • Sponsors will be invoiced following the day of the sponsored event.
  • In the event of an event being cancelled, Yeovil Chamber reserves the right to make an administration charge based on costs incurred by the Chamber up to the point of cancellation.


Patronage (price on application)

For members and non-members.  Patronage of Yeovil Chamber will assist with delivery of your special projects, campaigns and enhance your presence across Yeovil.  Any aspect of your business requiring specialist, tailored support, can be met, via our unrivalled and unique local and regional insight and influence.

Patronage will significantly raise your profile, creating business and supply chain opportunities.  Your logo, linked to your website, will appear on our e.mail footer, and our website home page, acknowledging your Patronage status, and will be seen by everyone we communicate with by e.mail.

As the terms are tailored to individual business requirements, the patronage fee must be agreed in advance with Yeovil Chamber.


To discuss the features, benefits & opportunities provided by sponsorship and patronage, email: president@yeovilchamber.org